Introduction In the Plugwise protocol unleashed series, I will describe the plugwise protocol. As far as I have been able to re-engineer it. I did this re-engineering work because there is no...
Archives: Blog
I'm currently playing around with Jeenode boards. The JeeNode is a small wireless board with an 8-bit Atmel RISC microprocessor. JeeNodes are compatible with the Arduino platform and can be...
Today I wanted to give someone remote console access using vSphere web access. I granted him virtual machine user access, which should be sufficient. However after installing the component for remote...
Introduction In the Plugwise protocol unleashed series, I will describe the plugwise protocol. As far as I have been able to re-engineer it. I did this re-engineering work because there is no...
In my company we are using SCOM for monitoring our server environment. Off hours we also get notified about critical alerts using a SMS/GSM modem. Using default SCOM functionality we delay the...
I was looking for a way to e-mail an overview of all exisiting snapshots (on virtual machines) in our virtual environment. VMware provides an excellent powershell cmdlet pack (known as PowerCLI), you...