Last weekend I received a nice little package from the UK. It was the BugLogic logic analyzer from Robomotic. I quickly unpacked it and found this logic analyzer inside: 629
Tag: Reverse engineering
After we found the TX pin in previous blog post and can have a look at the console messages, we can continue to look for the RX pin. The RX pin is still unknown, but we couldn't test for it, as...
This blog post continues upon yesterday's post. In this post we will attempt to find the two missing serial console pins (RX and TX). We will start with the TX (transmit) pin, this one is easy to...
Most consumer devices have some way of debugging for the ease of development of the board (JTAG). Most routers, and other network devices have a serial console connection as well. I'm pretty sure...
Today I received a new gadget, the Belkin Home Base. It's a wireless and wired network USB hub. After playing around a bit with (works just fine!) I decided to open it.. why? Just because I can...
This post continues upon the last blog post, in the last post we looked at some z-wave protocol basics. At the same time we had a look at a bitwise operation (XOR), in this post some more bitwise...